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Guest Blogging Rules for the Dropshipman Blog

Guest posting can be an incredibly valuable marketing tactic. Accepting guest posts is a great way to grow your blog without having to do a ton of work. Guest posters will share their content when it is published and will subsequently promote your blog. With guest blogging, you are likely to succeed in killing two birds with one stone.

  • Your SEO is drastically improved by getting at least one high-quality backlink to your site.
  • New audiences are attracted to your site.
  • You get email subscribers( if you know how to do it).

Nevertheless, there are certain rules and proper etiquette to follow if you want to make a good impression on the other blogger and their audience. There should be a unique golden rule for guest bloggers. Read the guidelines. Read the guidelines. And when you are sure that you are done, use the guidelines as a final checklist. Remember, following your host¡¯s lead is the key to being a good guest at someone¡¯s home. The same applies to guest blogging. Below are some thoroughly analyzed rules from the deceptively simple to the complex, about how to successfully post on our site.

Let me first of all, take you through the overview of what we like and what we dislike.

What we like

  • Kindly ensure that the topic you are interested in sharing with us is based on dropshipping or e-commerce.
  • The article¡¯s title, headings( Heading2, Heading3), and content should be written in an SEO-friendly way. We strongly recommend that it should be written to rank for a certain keyword and let us know what it is.
  • The article should be both interesting and informative, and promoting your business should come secondary to providing value to the readers.
  • Ensure that the topic you are providing has not been extensively covered in previous articles.
  • Proofread your article for spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Provide attribution/citations for all data or statistics referenced in the article( use hyperlinks).

What we dislike

  • Avoid submitting plagiarism content as it would be rejected.
  • Avoid being over-self-promotional. Your major focus should be to provide value to the readers.
  • Your content should not be offensive, inaccurate, or overly negative.
  • There should be no copy-pasted content.

Guest blogging rules for the Dropshipman blog site

  1. The article should meet our content standards

For your article to be considered worthy of publication on our blog site, it must meet the following standards as is deeply evident in the Dropshipman blogging site:

  • It must be written for web designers, web, theme, and app developers, marketers, e-commerce consultants, and other creative professionals in the service industry. It should aim to assist our audience in growing their business, deepening their technical skills, or inspiring their work.
  • The article should not just be a mere advertisement for a service, brand, or product, nor can it be self-serving. Instead, the articles we accept should attempt to present a balanced, well-rounded, and unbiased particular topic or technique.

The article should also be technically specific, highly detailed, and be able to provide lasting value to our distinguished audience. A powerful piece of content should offer actionable advice, step-by-step instructions, checklists, or code snippets.

  • It must be thoroughly researched and fully supported. It should feature numerous case studies or examples; numbers, metrics, and other statistical measurements of success, and links to reputable sources.
  • The content should also be timely or address current industrial trends.
  1. Dropshipman tone of voice

Our accepted guest blogs should relay a unique tone of voice in their content. It should give a human touch. We don¡¯t seek perfection, just genuine, actionable, educative, and down-to-earth stuff.

  1. Formatting guidelines

The following basic formatting will make your post acceptable on our site:

  • Submit your posts in Google Docs.
  • Stick to H andH subheader levels. This makes the formatting clearer and simpler.
  • Include all images in a Google Drive folder.
  • Follow general best practices for web writing. Let your paragraphs be brief and concise as that works best.
  • Include our company logo at the bottom of your article.
  1. Image Optimization
  • Make sure your images are optimized for optimal loading time. We recommend how to optimize image loading time.
  • Ensure every image has a caption to deliver the message it¡¯s trying to deliver. In case the image being used are not free stock photos, it is compulsory to credit image sources.
  1. Our target Audience

You have to be made aware that our target audience mainly consists of people who build their online store( usually on Shopify) as a side hustle and dream of turning them into a full-time job. They aren¡¯t typically familiar with digital marketing or best advertising practices. However, endeavor to make it work. They are always focused on selling and are ever on the look for ways to make this successful.

A guide on guest blogging post preparation

Have your article prepared in a word file and should entail the following:

  • Keywords: there should be the main keywords you choose for your article.
  • Title of the article: Must contain your keyword
  • Body text: Your text words should be inserted in bold, paragraph, and bullet/numbered lists. Add your keyword inside the content of your article.
  • Add subheadings: you should divide your article by subheadings. Only use h2 and h3 tags.
  • Link policy: You are expected to insert in the article link related to the content. We permit your backlinks inside your bio, not inside your article.
  • Dropshipman links: Ensure you link to at least 2 other Dropshipman blog posts in your writing piece.
  • Introduction and conclusion: Always ensure there is a conclusion and introduction in your article. Try to make your written article simple and clear and avoid complex sentence structure. Be natural and friendly and check your grammar with tools such as Grammarly and Hemingway Editor.
  • Author Bio Guidelines: At the end of your article, insert your Bio. This includes your user name and a short description of what you do. Remember that your bio must be related to the content you have written.

End notes

The success of actively comprehending what e-commerce entails is directly connected to the success of our clients. Even though they may lack technical understanding of websites, code, and search engine optimization, still they ought to always be informed, made to understand the logic behind the design or SEO efforts, and made to feel that they can ask questions on any understanding level. Our customers are always our priority and as such, as a guest blogger, we strongly recommend that you should adhere to the above-analyzed maxim for your article to gain entry into our system.

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