Of all the holidays that are being celebrated globally, nothing beats Christmas Day. This giant and most coveted holiday is fast approaching and dropshipping professionals are on top of their gear Preparing to usher in the day that many believed to have been when Christ was born. There is a serious influx of shoppers during

This renowned term, ¡®Black Friday¡¯ is said to have originated in Philadelphia between the 1950s and 60s. According to credible sources, the term means a shopping frenzy between Thanksgiving and Christmas. At the time the term was coined to the existence, it was used to describe the pedestrian crowds and traffic congestion typical for the

Source: Pexels It doesn¡¯t matter what products you sell. What remains for sure is that you should run your holiday sales regularly. That being said, you have to know that the scary Halloween is first approaching. 31stOctober is only a matter of days. It is time everybody gets extremely excited about the trick or treat,

These are people born between 1981 and 1996. In 2017, there was a report by Facebook that about 70% of 18-39 years(Millennials), are influenced in their holiday buying by Facebook and/or Instagram. The question, therefore, is it a good reason to start dropshipping marketing to millennials? Understanding what matters to millennials is a perfect way

Just when you thought that you had tactfully figured out the best way to serve millennials, like a flash of lightning comes generation Z. The question that may be ringing in your mind right now is how exactly does this generation differ from millennials if at all they do? Generation z range between the age

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